Updated 12 April 2020
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Here are the educational resources I've found and what I've learned!
All of my kids are under the age of 13 and therefore have nicknames we've assigned them to use online. They know not to share their information or go to unapproved websites. New to getting your kids online? I have some basic guidelines at the bottom of this post.
Post what you're doing on social media and use the hashtag #LivingRenewedActivities to link us all together!
Zearn - Website - FREE
* Create a parent account and you can create accounts for all of your kids! * You only need to create one "class" and from there you can assign different grades to all your kiddos.
Prodigy - Website - FREE (with upgrade options)
KHAN Academy - Website and App - FREE
* Create a parent account and you can create accounts for all of your kids!
* YOU can also take classes! Computer programming, history, economics and more!
1. Do NOT use your real name online. Use a nickname mom or dad gives you.
2. Do NOT share your age, email address, phone number, home address or other personal information without your parents approval. Ask if you're not sure.
2. DO tell your parents right away if you find something that makes you feel uncomfortable.
3. Do NOT agree to meet someone in person that you've “met” online.
4. DO ask your parents before posting pictures to the internet.
5. Do NOT respond to any messages that are mean or make you feel uncomfortable. It is not your fault if you get a message like that. DO tell your parents right away.
6. DO talk with your parents so that we can set up rules for going online and using a mobile phone. We will decide upon the time of day that you can be online, the length of time you can be online and appropriate areas for me to visit. Do NOT not access other areas or break these rules without their permission.
7. Do NOT give out your passwords to anyone (even your best friends) other than your parents.
8. DO check with your parents before downloading or installing software.
9. DO be a good online citizen and treat people like you want to be treated.
10. DO help your parents understand how to have fun and learn things online and teach them things about the Internet, computers and other technology!